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MIT LicenseUpdated -
mbd_lectures / Continuum Mechanical Modeling for Simulation Science
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Institute of Aerodynamics and Chair of Fluid Mechanics / m-AIA / m-AIA Solver
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
AVT-SVT / public / ElectrolyteMedia
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseModelica framework for the dynamic simulation of aqueous electrolyte systems under consideration of dissociation and phase equilibria
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This repository will provide all the details required to successful pass the Introduction to Robotics course.
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PADME-PHT Development / PADME Station Software
MIT LicenseA web application providing interfaces for monitoring of algorithms and components, which manage the business logic, For e.g., execute an analysis Train, inspect the Trains results, view Trains logs and many more.
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Course material for HKHLR HiPerCH 14 course "Module 1: Introduction to Python Data Processing tools".
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code to analyze tH, ttH and ttHH final states using CMS data (LHC, CERN Geneva)
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VAUnity_Package
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Ein Java Kommandozeilenprogramm, um aus den runter geladenen Abgaben Punkte zu extrahieren um damit die Bewertungs-CSV-Datei auszufüllen. Weiter werden alle korrigierten Abgaben in eine Zip gepackt damit dieses bei Moodle hochgeladen werden kann.
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ACS / Public / Virtualization / cricket
MIT LicenseCricket consists of two parts: A virtualization layer for CUDA applications that allows the isolation of GPU and CPU parts by using Remote Procedure Calls and a checkpoint/restart tool for GPU kernels. Logo by Freepik.com
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Example analysis project to showcase how to use the common framework