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Lukas Joisten / Geo LaTeX-Template 🌍
Boost Software License 1.0Ein LaTeX-Template angepasst an die Anforderungen der Geographie an der RWTH.
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Surrogat Models for Compact Laser Driven Neutron Sources / Liquid-Jet-Data
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalSimulation data for particle-in-cell simulations of a liquid jet target.
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Shiny application to display data and metadata for The Human Intestinal Bacterial Collection (HiBC)
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Example analysis project to showcase how to use the common framework
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Linus / mensa_bot
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ACS / Public / Virtualization / cricket
MIT LicenseCricket consists of two parts: A virtualization layer for CUDA applications that allows the isolation of GPU and CPU parts by using Remote Procedure Calls and a checkpoint/restart tool for GPU kernels. Logo by Freepik.com
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Anthropogene Stoffkreisläufe / sensorlab / imea
MIT Licenseimea: A Python package for extracting 2D and 3D shape measurements from images
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Automatically connect to RWTH VPN either in split- or full-tunnel using desktop shortcuts and without having to re-enter your password each time. Uses the Cisco AnyConnect cli and stores your VPN credentials in an (unencrypted) text file.
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Lehrstuhl für Informations- und Automatisierungssysteme / PyI40AAS
Eclipse Public License 2.0Python3 implementation of the Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell (according to “Details of the AAS”)
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AK Krewald / qcjc
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -