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Coscine / frontend / apps / ResourceCreate
MIT LicenseThis app handles the creation and editing process of a resource.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ResourceView
MIT LicenseThis app displays the content of a resource.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / VirtuosoSetup
MIT LicenseTheprogram handles the setup of vituoso.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / UserList
MIT LicenseThis app displays a list with all members of the current project.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / Search
MIT LicenseAllows searching through the metadata of projects, sub-projects and resources.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / SidebarMenu
MIT LicenseSidebarMenu for the CoScInE application.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ProjectEdit
MIT LicenseThis repository handles editing of projects in the CoScInE environment.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ProjectCreate
MIT LicenseThis repository handles creating of projects in the CoScInE environment.
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This project deploys organizations to the Virtuoso database.
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Coscine / backend / apis / ActivatedFeatures
MIT LicenseThis api provides methods for interacting with SharePoint features.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ToastMessage
MIT LicenseThis app shows a toast notification if the user session expired. In addition it tries to refresh the session of the user in the background.
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Coscine / frontend / libraries / vuex-store
MIT LicenseA component that provides access to a storage that can be used to share data between apps.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / UserProfile
MIT LicenseThis app displays the user profile.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / SPPageDeployer
MIT LicenseThis project provides an executable that deploys all SharePoint pages for the CoScInE environment.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / QuotaManagement
MIT LicenseThis app handles the quota management for a CoScInE project.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / LoadingIndicator
MIT LicenseThis project handles loading/waiting indicator within Coscine.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / SupportAdmin
MIT LicenseAdmin page allowing support staff to access and change project quotas.
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This project provides the Rest Api for retreiving the currently deployed version of all api and apps.
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This Api handles the request to interact with the logging database.
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