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Jan Philipp Buchholz / TestProj
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Yu-Wen Chen / urbant_flexbe_behaviors
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licenseurbant_flexbe_behaviors
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SebEus / SimTechFESolver
MIT LicenseThis is a trial project to improve SimTech teaching. This code aims at two aspects: a) state-of-the-art implementation and b) conciseness.
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plotID / plotID_matlab
Apache License 2.0The plotID toolkit supports researchers in tracking and storing relevant data in plots. Plots are labelled with an ID and the corresponding data is stored.
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Ulf Liebal / silvio
MIT Licensesilvio is a Python environment for Simulation of Virtual Organisms. silvio contains several linked microbial models.
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ACS / Public / Power System Automation and Monitoring / Modules / dmu
Apache License 2.0Datastorage management with rest api
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Docker configuration for Jupyter Notebooks using IfcOpenshell for Bachelor of Architecture class "BIG.BIM"
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Ulf Liebal / batchslopes
MIT Licensebatchslopes is a tool to identify the growth rate in growth profiler data. The data is partitioned into decreasing set sizes until the highest correlation coefficient of exponential growth is detected.
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André Sebastian Merboldt / project-posenet
Apache License 2.0Updated -
L3ADModel / l3ad-fenics
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
L3ADModel / dockerfiles
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
DBIS / FactDAG / factFUSE
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A user-space file system that allows users to interface with LDP servers and mount them to the local file system. Provides UI Tools to view and manage provenance information.
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