1.5667d4249 · ·
1.5 (2025-02-27) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add 3d implementation and test cases - Tensor operations module updated - Make implementation now fully parallel, also for convergence study - Add full PETSc interface - Use Sphinx booktheme for docs - Improve `rescale_pressure` keyword - Update Docker setup to use DIND - Add `CITATION.cff` - Add paper and improve installation tutorial to README - Change test folder structure to use `2d_r13` instead of `r13` - Add some examples (Balton board, compatibility conditions, Crookes radiometer, discrete coercivity test, Fourier flow, thermal edge flow, thermal flow between cylinders, ...) - Add heat source and stress source terms - Skip convergence plot if only one mesh is used - Improve geoToH5 to work with 3D - Print hmax for simulation - Improve error calculation, add H1 error and L2, linf for tensorial structure, use "real" relative error